Monday, June 27, 2011

Primitives of the Midwest.....2011

My bird was sitting on ready very early last Wednesday morning to take me on the firstleg of my journey to PMW by way of Charlotte, NC....there was a short delay before heading west to Lees Summit, Missouri and 3 days of stitching, shopping,
  eating, visiting with old friends and making new ones. It was a wonderful few days. Did I mention eating, and shopping?

Wednesday night was the opening ceremonies with our guest speaker, Jennifer Keltner
from American Patchwork and Quilting. Jennifer is such a delight and always has everyone laughing. She inspires us with wonderful quilts to view....matter of fact, if you haven't seen pictures of them, visit Lisa Bongean's blog. I wasn't able to take pictures of opening night, but Lisa has wonderful pictures she's shared with all of us. Scroll down the page to view the quilts Jennifer brought with her.  Also, you can see pictures on Lisa's blog of the 3 days we were all there.

Lynda and Rita - Owner of Quilter's Station  and PMW
Classes were held Thursday, Friday and Saturday......
Wool Crazy Pin Cushion Class
Below are various pictures of these gals working on their pin cushions

The Doll class was shy two people that couldn't make it, but we had fun.  This is the class picture and below are the various stages of everyone's doll.  They have promised pictures when all body parts are stitched together and they are dressed!!!

Lisa Bongean (R) gives Cathy some pointer's on her project.
We always enjoy a trip to Greenwood, Missouri where the shops stay open late for us to visit; then eat at our favorite italian restaurant.


Friday night BBQ in Lee's Summit, Renee, me and Maggie

various classes on Thursday

There is usually stitching after hours in the hotel lobby and/or Rita's shop.   Some of the gals just visit and some continue to work on their projects from the classes they take.

And, of course, the 3 days pass so quickly.  It feels like you just get there and it's time to go home.  The good byes are always the hardest for me.  So, it's with lots of hugs, tears and promises to see each other again, when we leave.  

Plans are already in the works for next year.  I hope each of you can join in the fun.  Watch the Quilter's Station website, mine too, for information.  You'll see the projects posted for the 2012 event.  Make plans to come play with us.

Watch for more pictures coming soon.........Until next time!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


In my hurry to get the news update out to all of you Back Door Friends Pattern Club members (You know who you are and what you just received in your email box!) about the current sale, I forgot to mention that these patterns are NOT listed on my website so they cannot be purchased through that source.  Here's what you do...

1. Go to Paypal
2. Click on Send money
3. Enter my email address - or  and enter the amount you are paying.  That amount will be determined by which ones you buy.  Your patterns will be mailed to you the first of next week.

If you have any questions regarding this, just send me an email and I will contact you.

I'm sorry that this sounds rushed..........but, yep, it really is!  I have a plane to catch!
Have a great week!  Hugs, Lynda

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June Birthday winner!!!!

Let's all sing Happy Birthday to our June birthday friends. 

our June birthday winner.

Linda, please email me to tell me which pattern you'd like me to send to you for your birthday....

Also, remember,
If you are a Back Door Friends Pattern Club Member
If your birthday is in June
You can receive a 25% discount on any patterns you'd like to order
this month only.

July is fast approaching....if your birthday is in July please let me know.
Next months drawing will be July 15