Sunday, January 29, 2012


I had the best time playing with old friends and meeting new ones at the Quilts on Plum Lane Quilt Shop.  A very special THANK YOU to Donna Lillibridge for inviting me to do a trunk show at her shop during the Kumquat Festival in Dade City. There were ton's of people enjoying the beautiful day and the quilt shop was a beehive of activity. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

I missed it, but here's the link to get all of us there!

American Patchwork and Quilting Radio show!
Elizabeth and Jill

Remember you can see Polly Minnick and Laurie Simpson first, then I bring up the second half of the show..........enjoy!

Hugs, L

TODAY AT 4:00.........DON'T BE LATE!

click this link to listen!

My part will be the second half of the show today!
You can listen to Polly Minnick and Laurie Simpson on today's show too!

Ok, so if I stuttered, don't tell me!

Hugs, Lynda

Sunday, January 22, 2012

VALENTINE'S DAY...........

While out and about yesterday I found this delightful primitve heart (measures 6 x 11 inches - (give or take a bit), of course, with what looks like a love letter, and old pictures of who I want to think were sweet hearts! romantic is that?  It has some sweet annie and berries and it's all bundled up in tea stained cheese cloth....!

I thought it just might be fun to give this little cutie away to a special valentine!
So, here's how it will work - starting today, January 22 - until February 7th (I want you to be able to have this mailed to you so it reaches you Valentine's Day!)

To get into the drawing you have to purchase at least 1 pattern - (that's to get your name in the bucket) then for each additional pattern you will get 2 chances for each. i.e. 2 patterns gets you 3 chances!

But, there's more.....for anything you purchase out of the get 5 chances per item. 

So, who wants to be my special valentine?

Good luck!

Hugs, Lynda

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Look who's going to be on the radio?

Guest on American Patchwork & Quilting Radio, Hosted by Pat Sloan. Click here to learn more.

The show will air, January 23rd, 4:00 pm.  Here is the link to listen in...

Pat Sloan is the host and here is her radio show page on her website:

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Official

I am a PINTEREST JUNKIE!  I can't help myself and I'm not getting any work done.
Someone please tell me to stop it!  lol

Happy Weekend everyone!

Hugs, Lynda

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lookee what I got in my email?

Alberta's "A Little Porch Time"
My friend, Lynn Ray, taught this class up in Illinois!
Alberta - you did a fantastic job and I absolutely love your quilt!
I hope everyone else from the class will send me pictures too!

Sue from Pennsylvania made this version of
"Pretty Pansy Posey Patch"
It's absolutely wonderful.....great colors!

Debbie from Wisconsin sent me her version of
"Cold Days"
She added an additional snowman and see the two snowman holding a snowball?
That's her FIRST grandbaby due in May

I always love getting pictures from you when you make something in my pattern line.  I hope it inspires others to either finish up their own or to make it.

Until Next time,
Hugs, L

PS I will also post these pictures on my website!

Friday, January 6, 2012


The 2012-13 Block Party has officially started.  PDF files have been sent to everyone that has signed up.  It is a large file, so if you have a FREE email, it's possible you won't receive it. 

Please let me know right away if you don't receive this file.  It might have to be sent in sections and/or mailed to you.

Thanks again for signing up and being a part of this special project!

Hugs, Lynda

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

THE WABBITS ARE COMING.................

Have you heard that the new spring issue of Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine is coming soon?  Watch your mail boxes!  It won't be long now!   IF YOU DON'T HAVE A SUBSCRIPTION the girls have told me that ....IF you mention that I sent you to them ....they'll  give you a free pattern if you subscribe for a year, and two free patterns if you subscribe for two years.


Both my granddaughters,  Rebecca and Sarah joined me in making this fun project for the spring issue....... let me introduce you to the WABBITS.........We hope you enjoy making this small project! 

Kits will be available...!
Until next time,

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Pantry is full..........

Well, it's just January 1st, but I've been busy!  There are new items posted in the pantry! It's not spring yet.......but I'm just getting run out of my home!  So, while putting away some Christmas items today I decided that some will have to go.  Quilts for sale,  and I'll be posting more soon, oh dear, just check out the entire pantry!

Happy New Year everyone!  I think I'm ready for the new year.........oh dear, I guess I'd better be because it's HERE!

Hugs, L