Monday, December 31, 2012


Sitting here writing to you about another new year that will start in just a few short hours seems so strange to me.  This entire year has flown by, but yet it seems to have taken me longer to get things done this year than any other that I can remember.  The harder I try the behinder I get.......for example, there were two posts on my blog - one in November and the other for the Primitive Christmas blog hop and the winners have just this week been notified by email.

The November drawing was for posting what you were thankful for......and the winner of that drawing is:   Lori DeJarnatt - she was able to pick out a FREE pattern.  Her choice is "It's a Crock" which will be mailed to her this week.  Congratulations Lori!

The December drawing was for the Primitive Christmas Blog Hop.....and the winner of that drawing is:  Kathy Anderson - she has won the homespun garland give away that was posted on the hop.  Her garland will be mailed to her this week.    Congratulations Kathy!  (If you didn't join in the Christmas blog, be sure to check out the FREE pattern listed on the right hand side of my blog)

I don't do New Years resolutions because I just can't keep them, but do hope to accomplish some of the goals I've set for myself.   This past year I worked very hard putting the Deck the Halls book together.......a VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to everyone that has purchased the book.  I can't wait to see pictures of what you make.  Sandy Jones has already sent me a picture of her "Chilly's Big Brother" from the book.......I hope you will do so also.

Watch for the spring issue of the Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine.....I will have a wool Crazy Double Wedding Ring quilt in that one.  Let me know what you think.

So, 2013 is going to be mostly about Primitive Pieces by Lynda.  I hope you will like the new quilt patterns coming your way.  Also, watch for the remaining 3 pillowcase covers to go with the one called WINTER.

I'm also working on a project that I hope American Patchwork and Quilting will love and put in their magazine this coming year.  I made promises to Jennifer and Elizabeth at fall market.......I'm just sayin' (grin)

Also, watch the website Pantry........more quilty offerings and stuff will be added.
I'm getting run out of my house, so please help me out here. 

So from me to you............HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!  Tons of hope that it will be a healthy and prosperous one for each of us.

Hugs, Lynda

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Who says........

You can't make a pattern a different size?  I love when someone makes a pattern to suit their needs.  Lynn from Lutz, Fla sent me a picture of her "Night Flight".  It turned out beautiful and is big enough to fit her bed.  My original was only 9 blocks! 

With all that wonderful red in's perfect for the Christmas holidays!  Great job Lynn!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

More fun pictures to share!

Christmas is so much fun for me.  It's my favorite holiday and I'm so glad some of you feel the same way.  Getting pictures to share is like Christmas morning for me.  Here's some that I just received and had to share them with all of you.

Anna sent me pictures of her "Cold Days" table runner...she added another snowman to her piece to represent her precious grandson, Wyatt.  Here's a picture of her runner and one of Wyatt too!

                                   she added glasses to her snowman too!
                                    What a precious picture of you Wyatt!!!

Another picture to share is from Sandy....Her "Chilly's Big Brother" from my new book "Deck the Halls" hangs on her cellar door......Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Raquel had fun making this version of "Aunt Maggie's Dancin Shoes"....I always love seeing one of my patterns in another colorway.   (mine was blue, green, cream)  It's lovely Raquel!!!

Oh, What fun it see all these wonderful pieces.  Thanks so much for sharing with us. 

I hope you are enjoying the Christmas Blog Hop.........Don't forget there will be a drawing at the end of this hop and also another drawing for the Thanksgiving post.  I was sick during that time so that hasn't happened yet.  Stay tuned!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, Dec. 5

Hello and Welcome
to my special day (Dec. 5) to blog with all of you!

Christmas is my VERY, VERY, VERY favorite holiday of all.  When Stacy invited me to do another blog hop this year I was a little reluctant because I pretty much do the same thing every year....lots of trees (13-15 at least in the house), lots of family (this year if everyone here in Florida comes, there will be 29 of us) and lots of FUN! (We certainly can be a loud bunch when we are all together!)  It just doesn't get any better than that.  We've been hosting Christmas day dinner here at our house for 37 years.   It's always been our gift to our family.  As I get older I sometimes think perhaps someone younger should do this, but I just can't seem to pass along the torch yet!

Since this isn't my first Christmas hop you've already heard stories of family traditions in the past and if you've just purchased my new book "Deck the Halls" you have an even more detailed description of past traditions.  I wish I had pictures of old to share with you, but dad usually took movies on his old "Brownie" movie camera....remember them?  I actually still have that camera along with those movies and we've gotten them out over the years and looked at them often.  Times have really changed.

I've been told I'm the biggest kid when it comes to Christmas and YES indeed I still believe in Santa Claus.  It's been a family tradition since my husband and I got married 43 years ago to go get our "real" tree the day after Thanksgiving.  Living in Florida, a tree is much better off being in a stand that has water in it in our house than sitting on a lot with none.  The smell of the tree always inspires me to get started with all the decorations. 

And, we did just that this year....Our real tree has been sitting patiently waiting for me to feel better.  I'm afraid there will only be 8 trees this year.  But, the house will be festive when everyone arrives again this Christmas day.

My gift to each of you this year is Homemade Homespun garland instead of a
homemade ornament. Here at our house we've made a ton of ornaments over the years. They usually are on the 6 foot fat primitive tree in the loft. You can download this homemade garland by clicking on the FREE downloads on the right hand side
of my blog. (I wasn't even able to do that last year! grin) Here's a picture of the garland and also how it looks on a tree.

The instructions on the download will explain all the 
details of making one for your tree.

Making Cookies is something we've always done since I was a little girl.
Mom, Sharron and I would have a special day to make our favorites. We always
had enough for all our friends and neighbors.  I remember there was always some
for the milkman delivery guy and the post man.  We always had some to take to
school for our teachers as well.  Christmas carols would be playing on the old 33 record turntable....(oh my, am I ever getting old!) and we'd be singing for all the neighbors to hear I'm sure.  Dad would arrive home from work and he'd join in.  Believe me, none of us would have ever signed a record deal.   

When Curt and I got married and had our family, two sons, I've done most of the baking.  The boys always seemed to find the correct time to show up when they came out of the oven and had to taste them all. 

Our granddaughters, Rebecca and Sarah, have moved to Tennessee, but I have such fond memories of them helping me make Christmas cookies.  I'm not sure who could make the biggest mess in the kitchen, them or me.  But, it was such fun!

So, raise your hand if you like Cream Cheese?!!!!!  A friend of mine gave me this recipe many years ago.  I apologize for not having a picture to share, but never did have one and haven't gotten around to the baking part yet this year.  They are so very good though....I bet you can't eat just one!  (Oh, by the way, did you know that Christmas cookies don't have any calories in them?!  Ofcourse, Santa told me that!)

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I've posted a smilebox I made. Each year there are things the same, but then new items are usually purchased and added to the mix. I've gathered a few new friends and will be happy to share those with you at the end of this season when the house is completely decorated.

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
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I hope you have the best time reading everyone's blog.
Can't wait to read Cherie Payne's
Friday, December 7th blog post


Here's a little preview of some decorating going on this year.  
Click to play this Smilebox greeting
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Free greeting made with Smilebox


PS - A great big Hug to my friend
Stacy West
for hosting this Christmas Blog Hop
You are the best
my friend!