Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sale, Sale, Sale

                                                Here Kitty Kitty!

I'm leaving the middle of next week to teach at Primitives of the Midwest. I wish all of you could come play with me at this event. It's a great few days of stitching, visiting with old friends, shopping, eating, making new friends......3 whole days of lots of fun!!
And, if you have been with me for awhile you know while I am away, Topaz, my kitty, always has a sale. Unfortunately, Topaz is no longer with us. She passed away just recently, but she is in God's hands and free from all suffering. I like to think she's still with me in spirit and so I will continue on with her tradition of making mischief while I am away. I know I won't do as good a job as she did, but I will try to make her proud of what I do.  So in her honor.......

Starting today and continuing to run until August 15th....all patterns (with exception of the new book "A Little Porch Time", and the two newest patterns "May Baskets" and "Patchwork Angels") are 20% off. (All Back Door Friends Pattern Club members will also receive your regular 10% discount on the new book and patterns)
For everyone that orders during this sale at least $20.00 worth of patterns, you will receive a FREE E-pattern called "Here Kitty Kitty!" I think you will enjoy reading how this pattern was named.

The pattern is to cover a binder book.. All templates to make it as you see it are enclosed; however, you can embellish it any way you want. It's fabric with wool applique, but you can do all fabric or all wool if you prefer. The kitty template for inside is in two parts.  It also carries over into the inside back cover.
Order by email only during this sale. I will send you the total of what your order will be by email or if you prefer a paypal invoice I can do that as well. When your payment has been made and your order is in the mail, I will send you a pdf file of the instructions and a .jpeg picture of "Here Kitty Kitty!" so you can have something to make while you are waiting on your patterns to come in the mail.
I will be gone from July 28th until Aug. 1st. If you order before that time I can send you the total before I leave. If you order while I am away, I will send you the total when I return.   Until next time,


  1. Lynda - I am sorry to hear Topaz is gone. Wish I could participate in the sale - maybe next time!! Have a great trip! - Jennifer

  2. Oh darn Lynda...I'm so sorry to hear about Topaz...she and Norm are having some fun! Have tons of fun at Primitives...breakfast when you get back!

  3. Sorry to hear about Topaz. Enjoy your trip to the city I now call is a great place to live and visit! and Rita's new shop is fantastic!

  4. hye Lynda, I don't know if you have received my mail, I would like to order primitive youngins and a little porch time books.I love this pattern "here kitty kitty!"
    Armelle from France
