Friday, January 21, 2011


Several months ago I talked about a new pattern that I designed and that Carol Crago and I worked on for Quilt for a Cause, Inc.  Well, the pattern is ready and it is being
introduced at a show this weekend. 

All profits for this pattern will go to research for women's cancer.  I HOPE you will jump on board this band wagon and purchase this pattern to help out.

More information will be coming along, but for now you can see the pattern cover here or on their facebook page. - You can post a comment and ask about ordering the pattern right there or you can email them at: for ordering information.
They will be listing all the new patterns on their website after this weekends show.

The pattern sells for $10.00

I hope you will join me in this mission to help stamp out that horrible "C" word we all hear so often.  It is near and dear to all of our hearts.

If you need additional information regarding purchasing this pattern, just let me know.
I'll help you make it happen.  Thanks so much!  Lynda


  1. Another beautiful pattern.
    I need to do the mockingbirds next, really love it and I need practice with my piecing.


  2. I just received word from the Quilt for a Cause, Inc. staff that it would be best to order the Twist 'n Shout pattern by contacting them at the following link....

    It could be a little while before they get it posted to their website.

    Let's all help raise money for women's cancer. I know it's very near and dear to all of our hearts. Thanks!

  3. There has been a correction made to the facebook page for Quilt for a Cause...the previous one was incorrect and probably prevented you from connecting with them. I apologize for this error.
