Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Practice, Practice, Practice....

While at PMW this year, I provided my students a way to practice their decorative stitches before they actually did them on their own Pin Cushion that we made. 

I've had people write to me asking me what I used to do this......Lisa Bongean had a picture on her blog from PMW showing the fabric I used, but thought I'd also post it on my blog for you. 

It's like the primer paper your little ones use in first grade to learn to write.  Here's how to make your own with fabric.

1. I used tea dyed Osnaburg.... because that's what I had on hand.  Of course it doesn't have to be tea dyed, or osnaburg, but it does work well. 
2. Cut a rectangle piece, I think mine was 12 x 15 inches when I started out. - You can make several smaller ones if that works best for you.  The idea is to just have a place to practice.
3. Using your ruler and a pencil, draw 3 lines 1/4 inch apart down the long side of your fabric.  Make as many of these sets as will fit on the size you have made.  Most decorative stitches require 3 separate lines to make them work, but if it only takes two lines, then just use two. 
4.  This is not necessary, but I did put the same size cotton batting on the back of some of these.  Some you will see just the fabric with no batting.  I'll leave that up to you.  When you are making the pin cushions you'll have the wool, foundation fabric and batting on the bottom, so having these layers to practice with makes your final job easier.  Stitching through all the layers is best, but there are times I've just made it through the wool and foundation fabric. 


 Make your own practice sheets today and have fun! 

1 comment:

  1. That is a great idea. I usually just practice on old white cloth but having a guide to follow, would keep my stitches more even and help me to get the feel of the heights, etc.

