Sunday, July 29, 2012

Good Morning!
Did you think I had left the planet?  It's certainly been awhile.  Let's see if I can get everyone caught up.

First, I want to share a picture of Charlene Aitken's Slim Pickins Quilt.  It's wonderful and I'm so happy to share it with all of you.  Thanks so much Charlene for sending me the picture.  

                                                                    SLIM PICKINS

I've been keeping myself very busy these days....either working in the yard, working on my new book, stitching on new quilts for patterns, designing new pattern covers, and even knitting!  You see, my little granddaughters moved to Tennessee.  I've always had them close by and  I really do miss them tons so keeping busy has been a really good thing!  

I know most of you are just about or even hotter than we are here in Florida.  I've been getting up very early to work out in the yard so that I can come back in the house and stitch where it's cooler.  

BOOK UPDATE:  My new book is coming along nicely and I'm so very excited to share it with you. My team with the Kansas City Star has been awesome! Mark your calendar for September!  I'll post pictures as soon as I can.  

BREAST CANCER UPDATE:  The breast cancer quilts have been coming back in.  The machine quilters have done a remarkable job and I can't wait to let you see them.  As soon as all the bindings are done I'll get pictures posted here on my blog and also on my website.  Although the blocks are the same, each one of the quilts have their own personality.
And, EVERYONE that participated on these quilts will have their name on all 4 of the quilts.  I will be posting the label that will go on each of the quilts soon.

I need your help now though.....It's time to name the quilts.  If you worked on the quilts, please send me the names you'd like to suggest.  There are 4 huge quilts so please submit at least that many names.    All the names will be posted and then you can vote on your favorites.    I will need the names by August 3rd.

NEW MAGAZINE PROJECTS:  I've been away from the Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine for the last two issues, but you'll see one of my pieces in the Winter issue, coming out soon and I'm working on a project for the spring issue. 

NEW PATTERNS:  If you haven't been to the website lately, you'll notice that Let's Ride and Winter (the snowman pillow case) are now listed in the patterns.  

Watch for Crow Gossip and the Penny Pouch....they will be coming soon!

Also, everyone keeps asking me about the wool crazy pin cushions...........I'm working on getting that ready for you as well.  Keep an eye on both the blog and or website for more information.  

I know for some of you summer is just about over and the kids will be going back to school.  It will be time to get back into the sewing room.  So many of the small items just mentioned can be made and shared with the special people in your lives for Christmas.  Trust me, it's not that far away.

That should bring all of us up to date..........Until next time,

Hugs, Lynda


  1. Thanks for the update! So glad you've been working on lots of projects for us. Can't wait for the book!

  2. You certainly have been busy and I can't wait to see your new book. I also can't wait to see the finished quilts and the quilting. The heat does keep us from being out so much, so quilting in the cool sewing room seems to be the best thing these days.


  3. I'm very very excited about the wool crazy pincushions!!! I've wanted the patterns for a long time now... can't wait to see what you come up with!
