Friday, May 31, 2013

INTERNET SEW IN...........

Who's ready to stitch a little with a group of people?  Just recently I sent out my new news letter.......are you on the list?  (If not, please sign up using the button on the top right hand corner of my blog, so you can get in the fun!) announcing a fun internet sew in this summer! 

If you are interested in being in the sew in is what we will be stitching and the rules of the fun..

The last date to sign up is............June 12
I will need the following from
                                                        mailing address
                                                        telephone number
                                                        email address
I will compile a list of everyone participating and from that list I will send a started
penny rug to first person that signs up.  This list, of everyone participating, will travel with the penny rug so you will know who to mail it to next.  Mark off your name and send it to the next person.  Yes, you are responsible for the mailing.

It's important to remember to keep the rug for 7 days only....after all we want to see the end result before we all forget we even started this.  (grin)

The color palette will be shown by what I used to stitch the first will use your own wool for this project.

After it leaves here, you will stitch on it, then send it to the next person, until it gets to the last person who will in turn finish the rug and send it back to me.

Once completed, everyone's name will be put into a pot and a name will be drawn. The winner will get the completed rug. 

I hope you will play with me this summer!  This event will start don't delay in letting me know if you're in.

Hugs, Lynda

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